Get Yourself the Best Cleaning Business for Sale in Sydney Today.

Be your own boss. Nothing beats that. SelectCleaning Sydney helps you have your own business but with expert help.

You don't have to be a genius to make good money working for yourself.

“I was working in a factory on rotating shifts. Now I only work during the day, customers pay me after each job and I have more time with family.”


Hear what our franchisees think about buying their own cleaning business.

“I was working as a diesel mechanic spending 12 –14 hours a day at work. I was working too many hours including Saturdays under trucks. I started with a small income & have increased it a lot working with my customers. I can keep growing if I want to.”

Portrait of Sean who purchased a Select Cleaning business franchise in Brisbane, Australia

My husband and I were both working long hours for very little. We decided to buy the SelectCleaning business for me and when it is big enough my husband will join the business. The Select Double Business Guarantee gave me security knowing SeelctCleaning would get my business started with customers.”

Portrait of Sofia who purchased a Select Cleaning business franchise in Brisbane, Australia

“I could not find a good job, I was looking for work during school hours so I could look after my two children. Now I am earning more than I thought I would. I started with $2000 a month and quickly built to $3,100. But I cannot do more now and still look after my children. It is an easy business with good training. They are nice to work with. I can be at home for my children and still earn money for the family.”

Portrait of Nasrin who purchased a Select Cleaning business franchise in Sydney, Australia

“I am earning more in my own business for less hours. My friend told me about SelectCleaning. They got work for me and their fees were low. I earn more than working for someone else. I like having my own business.”

Portrait of Linda who purchased a Select Cleaning business franchise in Sydney, Australia

“I was working for another cleaner and decided I wanted my own business. I was worried about getting customers so looked at SelectCleaning. Their guarantee looked really good. Since joining I am making much more money than when I was working for someone else. Soon I will employ my own workers.”

Portrait of Ferris who purchased a Select Cleaning business franchise in Brisbane, Australia

We have 29 homes on our books so far and are already earning over $6000 dollars a month. We love it that we can now choose what hours we work.”

Portrait of Siming and Ling who purchased a Select Cleaning business franchise in Melbourne, Australia
Siming & LingMelbourne

“My youngest child had just started school and I needed to find work that fitted with her school hours. A friend was a franchisee with Select and suggested them. I got work really quickly and have lovely customers. I like that I can easily change my day around to fit what my kids are doing.”

Portrait of Eleni who purchased a Select Cleaning business franchise in Sydney, Australia

“We had both just finished our business degrees and we wanted to work together. Within three months we were getting our own customers and expanding faster than we thought so now we are earning more than we estimated. We love working together. We both get home at the same time!”

Portrait of Fiona and Jing who purchased a Select Cleaning business franchise in Sydney, Australia
Fiona & JingSydney

“I was working long hours. I wanted to make as much money for less hours. I saw a SelectCleaning van and rang them. Select showed me what other franchisees were doing and how I could work fewer hours. They have done what they said they were going to do and have helped me a lot. Customers are very friendly, they pay me when I am finished and I have more control over what I earn.”

Portrait of July who purchased a Select Cleaning business franchise in Adelaide, Australia

Learn why you're better off buying a cleaning franchise in Sydney from SelectCleaning

“People who join SelectCleaning have the opportunity to build a business using tried and tested systems that have been well-proven by our franchisees all over Australasia”

Increasingly busy lifestyles mean that professional cleaning services are no longer a luxury enjoyed solely by the wealthy.

Everything you need to get started


When you purchase a SelectCleaning home cleaning franchise in Sydney, you gain the right to use the SelectCleaning business system utilising our name, marketing systems, support, and technical expertise. You will receive comprehensive training, equipment, uniform, business cards and manuals – in fact, you get everything you need to get started with your new business quickly, including a client base.

Yes! You can start your cleaning franchise with a guaranteed income.

Double Business Guarantee

At the heart of a SelectCleaning franchise is the Double Business Guarantee which will make you feel even better about starting your own business. This is because we give you an agreed number of customers to ensure you are earning what you need from the start. The DBG is subject to the terms of the Franchise Agreement but you can learn more about how this unique guarantee supports you by completing the form below and we’ll set up a meeting to discuss all the benefits with you.

Newspaper headline: Franchise News - Join the Cleaning Boom

12,000+ CLIENTS


SelectCleaning is a highly developed cleaning franchise system that always ensures its franchisees will receive superior guarantees, superior support and ongoing investment satisfaction.

Book cover titled Great Results Require Great Ambition with a photo of a happy Select Cleaning business owner

Are you ready to take the step into your own cleaning business?

The first step is to contact Select to find out if this cleaning franchise will work for you. So if you are looking for a cleaning franchise for sale in Sydney, complete this form and we will be in touch shortly.

Do you want to own one of the best home cleaning businesses in Sydney? Join SelectCleaning!

Make it happen


Illustration of a Select Cleaning business owner with a vacuum backpack

Finance Available

Not everyone is suitable for a Select cleaning franchise. We’re looking for people with drive and commitment who want to exit the rat race and become their own boss so they can live a far more fulfilling lifestyle. But if you measure up and can convince us that you will make a great member of our work-for-yourself club, we can help you a lot with the financing of your own SelectCleaning Franchise Business.

“It’s not a job, it’s a business.”